Only doctors with a degree or certificate of specialty may perform aesthetic or reconstructive surgery, endorses the Chamber of Deputies.
• By 477 votes, article 79 of the General Health Law was modified; The ruling passed to the Senate
The Chamber of Deputies approved, in general and in particular, the opinion that reforms the first paragraph of article 79 of the General Health Law, regarding plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries.
Establishes that for the exercise of professional activities in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery, professional titles or certificates of specialization issued and registered by the competent educational authorities are required, in accordance with article 81 of the General Health Law.
The document, endorsed in general by 470 votes in favor, one against and one abstention, and in particular and in terms of the opinion, by 477 votes in favor, 2 against and one abstention, was sent to the Senate for its effects. constitutional.
He mentions that there is a visible problem that must be addressed at every opportunity, since there are more and more people demanding aesthetic health services; However, this is combined with the few medical professionals in the field, because acquiring specialization is complicated by the years that have to be invested.
Another factor that exacerbates the crisis, he says, is that opportunists emerge offering aesthetic operations without having a good experience that guarantees that the health or life of the applicant is not put at risk and that the intervention ensures optimal results, that is, that the patient is truly satisfied with the medical care received.
“To the extent that they are issued by the authority in charge of the office, the documents or titles that guarantee that the applicant has the expertise, capacity and experience to practice the profession in the areas of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries. , to that extent the spaces that, under the cover of irregularity and secrecy, find a breeding ground that leaves them with exponential profits will be eradicated, to the detriment of the health and even the life of the patient,” he adds.
Protect those who decide to have an aesthetic intervention
The president of the Health Commission, deputy Emmanuel Reyes Carmona (Morena), expressed that in recent years there has been an increase in the demand for plastic and aesthetic surgeries, “which has made us one of the countries in the world where “more women and men carry out these interventions.”
He added that this situation has generated an important economic market that has attracted the attention of people who, without being specialists or without the necessary training, decide to practice plastic and aesthetic surgeries. It is estimated that for every certified plastic surgeon there are up to 20 people who, without the corresponding specialty, perform cosmetic surgeries illegally.
The consequences of this situation, he said, are that in 2022 Cofepris closed 78 clinics where cosmetic surgeries were performed that lacked the permits and the person specialized for it; Hence, it is necessary to advance this opinion because «unfortunately, economic interest motivates many people to present themselves as specialists when they are not, abusing people’s trust and needs.»
The ruling, he said, seeks to establish that the doctor who carries out this type of intervention has the corresponding knowledge and accreditations issued and registered by the educational authorities. “It is a pending issue from the previous Legislature and one that we returned to, because we agree on the need to protect all people who, for any desire or reason, decide to undergo an aesthetic intervention.”
Reservation discarded
In an economic vote, the reservation of deputy Arturo Roberto Hernández Tapia (Morena) was rejected, who said that the opinion was not approved unanimously in the Health Commission and proposed not modifying article 79 of the General Health Law, since The law does not seek to exhaust all the possibilities of the matter it regulates.
Fountain: of-deputies
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