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Corporate governance

To offer transparent and equitable administration we have corporate governance. Within it, rules, principles and procedures are established that regulate the structure and functioning of the bodies of our company, giving direction to the company. In addition, it establishes the relationships between the steering committee, the board of directors, shareholders and the rest of the interested parties.

Members of the Board of Directors

To fulfill all BlockState functions, there are Committees that efficiently execute complex issues for corporate development and compliance.

Jean Jacques Roger Siadous Ayala

Administration Counsel President

María del Pilar Álvarez Casillas

Co-Founder - Audit Committee

Jonathan Virgen Morales

Co-Founder - Finance Committee

Alice Sidonia Siadous Ayala

Strategic Planning Committee

Jacques Simon Louis Siadous

Committee - Corporate Practices

Débanhi Quintero

Evaluation and compensation committee

Frida Quirarte

Risk and Compliance Committee

Karla Teresa Sanchez

Ethics Committee

Mario Virgen

Remuneration Committee

Daniela González

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

Omar González

Risk and Compliance Committee

Corporate Governance Structure

General Assembly of Shareholders: Supreme decision-making and control body of the Group, which guarantees the protection of the interests of all its shareholders and legitimately interested third parties.

‍ Board of Directors: Administration and governance body of the Group. Responsible for authorizing and monitoring the company’s strategic plan and budget. Its powers are conferred by Law, by the corporate statutes and by the General Assembly of Shareholders.

We have different bodies made up of people of recognized moral and ethical solvency according to the objective of each of these committees.

Support committees

Audit Committee

It is responsible for ensuring the sufficiency and effectiveness of the Group's internal control system.

Evaluation and Compensation Committee

He is responsible for analyzing the strategy for the development and maximization of the human factor.

Steering Committee

Body made up of the general director and main managers of the company, responsible for carrying out the strategic plan. They are responsible for governing, managing and representing the interests of the company; always ensuring its proper functioning, development and fulfillment of set objectives.

Ethics Committee

They follow up and resolve complaints submitted through the different channels of the corporate complaint line.

Commercial and Marketing Committee

Assists the Board of Directors with the validation of the commercial strategy that consolidates the construction of the brand and the alignment of the sales force to the Group's objectives.

Fiscal Committee

It is the intermediate body that ensures compliance with the Group's fiscal framework, for which it can be supported with a report issued by the Group's External Advisors on adherence to current tax provisions. Likewise, it also has the task of validating the Tax Report for security purposes.

Finance and Planning Committee

Assists the Board of Directors in defining the long-term vision, strategic and financial planning and budgetary control of the Group.

Real Estate Development Committee

It is the support body of the Board of Directors, which helps it evaluate the viability of the real estate projects proposed by the New Business Creation and Development area and the General Management of Levy Holding or the Board itself, as well as approve the development of new projects or investments that establish the bases on which they must be managed by the Group companies.

Code of ethics

Our code of ethics aims to serve as a tool that contributes to unifying and strengthening work practices, to always maintain a professional, respectful, honest and loyal attitude with all those with whom we interact.